Russel K. Grater

I dedicated my picture book to Russell K. Grater. Russ was my neighbor,
teacher, mentor, and beloved friend. Russ was born on a farm in
Lebanon, Indiana. He learned the importance of nature’s process with
plants, animals, and the land. He shared his knowledge as a naturalist
and interpreter at many of our great national parks.
I met Russ after he had retired, but he continued teaching and consulting
at Lake Mead National Recreation Area near Boulder City, Nevada.
Russ brought hands on activities for the second-grade students to see,
feel, smell, touch at times taste. He included his personal slides, which
he called Koda Chromes and samples of native plants from the Lake
Mead National Park.
Russ wrote several books for the park service. SNAKES, LIZARDS, &
TURTLES OF THE LAKE MEAD REGION, I used as reference for
information in my book. He also wrote INDIAN “WHY” STORIES,
which he used to spellbound my students with Native American Legends
and encouraged them to write their own legends.
Russ devoted his life to helping the public understand the world of
nature, but the most significant aspect of his amazing life for me was
being friends.